What is A Whole Food Plant-based diet?

image shows fruits and vegetables on a vintage wooden table

A plant-based diet consists of vegetables, fruits, legumes/beans, whole grains, nuts & seeds

Benefits include:

  • High in dietary fiber
  • Adequate levels of protein for growth and repair
  • High in antioxidants which neutralize free radicals that cause aging and chronic disease including cancer
  • High in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
  • Low in saturated fat
  • Helps Lower blood pressure, due to high levels of potassium in plant-based foods
  • Helps Lower cholesterol, plant foods contain
  • Help with Diabetes & improve your metabolism and balancing your cortisol levels helping the body deal with stress.
  • Fat burner- Weight loss benefits
  • Improved sleep
  • Help with inflammation
  • Protect the heart and body.

When people are transitioning to a Plant-based diet they often get concerned with protein sources and enough protein intake.

Interesting fact.  Protein makes up about 20%of our body composition

Protein helps our bodies with tissue repair, movement and growth.

Plant-based foods Rich in Protein:

  • Amaranth -6 grams per 1 cup cooked
  • Lentils-18 grams per 1 cup cooked
  • Hemp seeds-10 grams per 3TBS.
  • Chia seeds-4 grams per 2 TBS.
  • Nutritional yeast-12 grams per 3 TBS.
  • Tempeh- 20 grams per 1 cup
  • Quinoa- 9 grams per ½ cup cooked
  • Spirulina -8 grams per 2 TBS.
  • Buckwheat-6 grams per 1 cup cooked
  • Green peas- 8 grams per cup
  • Artichoke-4 grams per ½ cup
  • Pumpkin seeds-8 grams per ¼ cup
  • Spinach-5 grams per cup
  • Black eyed peas-8 grams per ½ cup cooked
  • Broccoli-4 grams per 1 cup
  • Tahini-8 grams per 2 TBS.
  • Chickpeas-8 grams per ½ cup
  • Asperagus-4 grams per cup
  • Peanut butter-8 grams per 2 TBS.
  • Almonds-7 grams per cup
  • Green beans-4 grams per cup
  • Edamame -8.5 grams per ½ cup

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