Love the Skin You’re In

“The Skin is the window to the entire body” says dermatologist Joely Kaufman-Janette, MD.

What we eat and how it is digested has a lot to do with our reflection and aging.  There are many different types of foods that help to keep our skin looking young and healthy.

Antioxidants found in fruits like blueberries, help fight against aging skin and are loaded with vitamin C.

Omega 3, found in fatty fish, nuts and seeds are great oils to keep skin looking young and hydrated.  Fatty fish like sardines, are rich in in DHA, an anti-inflammatory.  Inflammation is now known as one factor causing acne. Diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, help to keep your skin clear.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which helps skin looking young.  The antioxidant polyphenols in oil also help quench damaging free radicals.

Hydration, the majority of our body is made up of water and there are molecules in the skin that bind with water.  Drinking water helps to prevent dry looking skin and keeps skin looking nice and plump.

Green Tea, like fruits and veggies, is loaded with antioxidants that help fight the effect of aging.  Polyphenols in green tea helps to keep skin more elastic and smooth. Great to drink in place of other beverages to promote healthy looking skin.

Vitamin A, foods like sweet potato help to reduce wrinkles.  There are many creams that contain vitamin A, but it is best to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin A to get benefits from inside out.

Dark green vegetables such as broccoli help to fight fine lines and wrinkles. The darker the vegetable is, the higher its content in Vitamin A and C.

Avocados enhance your complexion.  Avocados are rich in healthy fats, vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber.  They are the most perfect food in fighting aging skin.

Tomatoes, not only are they loaded with Vitamin A and C, but the antioxidant lycopene found in tomatoes also improves the skin’s natural SPF.

In conclusion, there is a growing body of research showing that diet does affect our complexions.  What we eat can affect our hormone balance, skin acne and level of inflammation, which are all associated with skin aging.  Following a diet rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fats and low inflammatory foods can make a big difference.

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