Get To Know Gluten

Gluten is very controversial these days. There are sources that claim that it is safe for everyone except those who have celiac disease. On the other hand, some health experts believe that gluten is harmful for most people.

What is Gluten ?

Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, spelt, rye and barley.  It has a glue-like property that makes dough elastic and allows bread to rise when baked.  The two main proteins in gluten are glutenin and gliadin.

Many people who are sensitive to gluten in the United States are able to eat it overseas without a problem. Why is this?

Gluten content in bread in the U.S. is higher than anywhere around the world, mainly because they use more gluten to get a fluffier loaf.

Also, non-organic U.S. wheat uses a glyphosate, a pesticide that lowers manganese, zinc and iron.  Since its use has permeated the market, a rise in inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders and obesity have also been on the rise.

Many European nations and cities have restrictions on its usage; however, the U.S. does not.

The average American consumed 133 pounds of wheat flour in 2004. The problem lies right here. We as a nation are consuming too much wheat.

Grains such as quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, tapioca, rice, teff, millet and sorghum have the same amount of minerals and protein found in wheat and are less tampered with.  Some have even more nutrients than wheat.

When it comes to having wheat, it’s important to choose organic at all times and use it in moderation.


Did you know that one serving of grain is about the size of a baseball or about the size of your fist?

Plate Method

Try to make your plate 1/4 grain, 1/4 protein and 1/2 vegetables.

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